The Big Announcement

Champagne bottle starburst

After many months of planning, I am thrilled to announce the launch of my Virtual Assistant business, Susie Burton Virtual Assistant. I specialize in providing general administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs across the globe. 

And what exactly is a Virtual Assistant you may ask.

“A Virtual Assistant provides administrative, technical or creative assistance to clients. But instead of working full time for one person or organization, (they) work virtually, providing these same types of services to a range of clients.”
– Belinda Sandor

To showcase my business I am also launching:

The Short & Sweet Email Newsletter
I have named my newsletter Short & Sweet (because that is what I am) to indicate that it will be short and to the point, not taking up too much of your valuable time.

The topics I will be focussing on will be:

– Project Management
– Time Management
– Working Remotely
– Office Logistics
– Workflow

All from a Virtual Assistant perspective, obviously.

The newsletter will be sent out once a month.

Next Steps
The next steps in my business venture will be the launch of my website and growing my network.