As a small business owner or solo professional, you’ve got many processes and procedures in place, not to mention many outwardly facing marketing things, like your LinkedIn profile and website. Over time, it’s easy to look at them, without really seeing them. That can be a problem, particularly as your business evolves. With that in mind, here are three… Continue reading Be Your Own Detective
Forfatter: susieburton
Don’t Schedule Meetings That Could Have Been an Email
If the amount of memes about meetings that could have been an email is anything to go by, we have all participated in our fair share of less-than-great meetings. So, how do you plan a great meeting? Well, apart from the obvious* such as sending out invites, booking rooms, remembering to include links for any… Continue reading Don’t Schedule Meetings That Could Have Been an Email
You Can’t Do It All! How to Delegate Effectively
People often say: “I need to delegate more.” And then, immediately afterward, they say, “But I don’t think there’s anybody who will understand my work, take it as seriously as I do, and do a really great job.” As a result, nothing gets delegated, and they are left doing everything for themselves. The problem is not… Continue reading You Can’t Do It All! How to Delegate Effectively
The Big Announcement
After many months of planning, I am thrilled to announce the launch of my Virtual Assistant business, Susie Burton Virtual Assistant. I specialize in providing general administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs across the globe. And what exactly is a Virtual Assistant you may ask. “A Virtual Assistant provides administrative, technical or creative assistance to clients. But… Continue reading The Big Announcement